HUNTING was in the spotlight once again when the foxhound show at the Great Yorkshire Show was used by the Countryside Alliance to launch their campaign against a hunting ban.

Countryside Alliance chief executive Simon Hart was on hand to launch the "Democracy Going to the Dogs" campaign ahead of tonight's discussion of the hunting bill in Parliament.

Hunt supporters from the region will be taking dozens of working dogs to protest against the ban outside Parliament.

"This is just part of the action we will be taking," said Mr Hart.

"It is a matter of disbelief for us that it has come to this when there are so many more pressing matters of importance.

"And I think it is rather sinister we have spent so much time on this. But having said that, we do want to come to a sensible conclusion based on the evidence, and will keep going until we get that decision."

Updated: 14:28 Wednesday, July 09, 2003