AUDIENCES will be seeing double next week when a new play, Double Act, comes to the Grand Opera House in York.

Twins Megan and Madeleine Edwards, aged nine, of South Bank, York, and Samuel and Joshua Woodcock, eight, of Fangfoss, near Pocklington, posed to promote Jacqueline Wilson's story Double Act, the adventures of identical twins Ruby and Garnet, who are forced to start a new life in the country with their dad and his new girlfriend, "frizzy, dizzy Rose".

The play, adapted by Vicky Ireland, hits York during National Twins, Triplets and More Week - an unusual awareness week that serves as a focus for highlighting the unique pressures faced by multiple birth families.

Double Act will be at the Grand Opera House from July 11 to July 12.

Updated: 10:53 Tuesday, July 01, 2003