THE brilliant idea of regional assemblies, just what we all need, another layer of government to sustain the political gravy train with yet another layer of civil servants.

York, of course, will be the administrative centre with the construction of the new assembly building, starting in 2006 at an estimated cost of £85 million with completion - one year late - in 2008 at a final cost of £265 million. It's funny how this happens to public buildings.

Naturally, with the influx of politicians and civil servants, the housing market will go even further through the roof. Affordable homes will become even less affordable, or not at all!

The usual seven per cent will do very nicely out of all this, the rest of us, however, will not. Regional policies will conflict with local planning followed by endless inquiries and meetings.

If we could achieve full autonomy then this may be worth considering. As it stands, we will be wasting even more time, effort and money for little return. I shall be voting against this tiger without teeth.

Jeff Fox,

Millfield Road,


Updated: 10:44 Monday, June 23, 2003