A YOUNG animal lover from the York area has won a nationwide competition to find Britain's "pongiest pets".

Lynne Theakstone, 13, from Beningbrough, nominated her pet rats, Chloe and Maisy, for the competition and has won a silver trophy.

Along with her award Lynne won an air purification machine, which she hopes will mean her parents may relent and let her keep the pets in her bedroom.

Lynne said: "It isn't really them who smell, at least I don't think they do, but my parents won't allow my rats to live in my room as they say they smell.

"They are hygienic and have been trained to use a toilet area in their cage, which gets cleaned regularly."

Neil Afram, from Space Air Solutions, who organised the competition, said he was delighted to be able to help Lynne eliminate any pet smells from her bedroom, and persuade her parents that Chloe and Maisy were suitable room mates.

Updated: 10:53 Friday, June 20, 2003