IT is a shame that people remain so inward looking that they feel the need to berate "outsiders", like myself, for settling in this beautiful city.

I am a newish "outsider", having only lived here for 12 months, but have enjoyed every second.

I pay my council tax like every other resident and, by virtue of the fact I live here, I contribute to the local economy.

There are countless others who are in the same position, but probably won't be bothered to read this letter having previously been put off by the attitude displayed in Mr Cussons' letter (May 22).

Surely, that fact that the city attracts people from far and wide is a testament to its charm.

A rich blend of people from all walks off life is what makes York a desirable place to live.

Perhaps Mr Cussons et al, while "claiming back York", should discourage businesses from providing new jobs in the city.

Let's keep the unattractive, empty warehouses on the river front and make the city as unwelcoming as possible to stop the invasion of these pesky incomers.

It's not as if York benefits from more people visiting and living here, bringing investment, jobs and national interest to the area.

Chris Fradin,

Lower Priory Street,


Updated: 10:32 Thursday, June 05, 2003