YOUR reports about recent vehicle collisions at Crockey Hill lead me to remind readers that there is no such thing as a dangerous road, only dangerous drivers. An accident is an event without apparent cause.

A collision is one with a cause, most often excess speed, alcohol or sheer inattention and disregard for the safety of one's self and fellow travellers.

I should like to see a safer link made at Crockey Hill, between the staggered side roads to Naburn and Wheldrake respectively, to get cyclists and pedestrians across the A19.

There is ample space for a wide path in the east side verge. A physical refuge in the centre of the A19 at each junction would enable users to cross it in two stages. Islands would slightly reduce the carriageway widths, and perhaps encourage driving at much more realistic speeds.

Paul Hepworth,

Windmill Rise,

Holgate, York.

Updated: 10:38 Thursday, May 29, 2003