The Painter is an exciting thriller which juxtaposes events taking place in a house on the bank of the River Humber in the 17th century and the present day.

In January 1662, the great artist Rembrandt accidentally stows away in a ship bound for Hull and must paint the captain's portrait to pay for his passage. Once at Paull Holme Manor, the captain's residence, he falls for the captain's beautiful wife, Amelia, and so ensues a tale of love, deceit and manipulation, especially when he gains a rival - the poet and MP for Hull, Andrew Marvell.

Meanwhile, nearly 350 years later, Paull Holme Manor is being renovated and another painter, Amy Dale, discovers Amelia's secret journal. Along with her lover, Amy sets about revealing the secret history of the house and it's 17th century inhabitants - with tragic consequences.

The triple narrative - Amy, Rembrandt and Amelia's journal - is an interesting idea which works well and grips the reader. My only complaint is one of feeling robbed by the anti-climactic ending.

Updated: 09:31 Wednesday, May 21, 2003