THE other Thursday, I, along with many others, decided enough was enough, and the hapless bunch who for too long now have enjoyed a well-paid existence as Labour councillors were removed from control of City of York Council and the task was given to fresh, enthusiastic candidates.

Therefore it was with great pleasure that I saw the Lib Dem party now controlled the city.

Now we should see what new thinking could do.

Alas, my joy was short-lived because within a few days a headline in the Evening Press announced that the new leader had offered a top job to one of the old bunch, no doubt well paid for out of the pot of plenty that holds the council tax.

Could it be that soon one or two more of the old crew could find themselves with new jobs, and maybe the odd Tory who failed to get elected could be fitted in somewhere?

Who knows your next headline could be "Blair offers Saddam a job helping out in Iraq".

Why did I bother to vote for change?

D S Edwards,

Hazel Garth,

Stockton Lane,


...WE have had the elections, so now what? We need someone with guts to be a leader who can put the GB into Great Britain! At the moment we have got a Prime Minister who is more into holding hands with George Bush and sorting out the problems of other countries than domestic problems here.

Problems such as the so-called asylum seekers, or anyone else who tries to get into this country on some pretext or another and who don't seem to want to integrate with the locals, either in work or the language.

Our armed forces are a credit to this country - more disciplined and certainly better trained than others - so it is very sad that we had to lose such valiant men and women in George Bush's mad rush to topple Saddam Hussein.

Barbara Wright,

The Bungalows,

Manor Road,


...I THANK all those who promised to vote for me and turned out at the local elections.

One hundred and seven votes may not seem like a lot, but with a minimum of campaigning and a budget of practically nothing, it was a great result.

Let's hope now that Coun Galloway has got the power he has craved he will use it wisely - especially over the Shoppergate issue.

It will be great to see no council tax increase for the next four years.

He knows that if he fails, come the next election, the Loony landslide will happen.

Eddie Vee,

Official Monster Raving Loony Party,

Wenham Road,


Updated: 10:27 Wednesday, May 14, 2003