SMALL businesses in York and North Yorkshire will be able to get advice from property experts by logging on to the internet.

A new online commercial property guide was launched yesterday to help businesses understand property legislation.

The website,, draws on the knowledge of a barrister, a chartered surveyor and a businesswoman.

It has more than 30 detailed sections on topics such as choosing the right premises, moving in, ongoing management, and moving out. It is designed to keep small-to-medium-sized enterprises informed about commercial property issues.

Chartered surveyor Kevan Carrick, one of the people behind the new site, said: "Business people are naturally focused on running their business, but if they neglect commercial property decisions, they will lose money."

A recent survey by one of the world's top economists showed that many businesses could increase profits by 13 per cent by taking better-informed decisions.

Users of Property Experts Online will pay a £50 annual subscription fee that will provide them with unlimited access to the site.

Mr Carrick's partners in Property Experts Online are barrister Charles Morgan and businesswoman Jennifer Welch.

Updated: 09:40 Tuesday, April 29, 2003