SPRING flowers and blossoming gardens are set to come under the spotlight as the Yorkshire in Bloom competition comes to Pocklington.

As part of their spring judging schedule, the competition judges will visit the town on Monday.

The team of judges will start their two-hour "patrol" of Pocklington at 2.30pm. Their route will include Grape Lane, All Saints' Churchyard and Market Place.

They will be met at the junior school by members of the "ground force" volunteer group.

The judges will then travel along The Mile, visiting spots including Apperson Court, Yapham Road, Northfield Road, and Sherbuttgate Road North. They will finish their inspection by looking at the courtyard garden at the corner of Barmby Road and George Street and meeting staff at Burnby Hall Gardens. The town council's Pocklington in Bloom Committee has urged residents to help keep the route clean and tidy. They have asked those living on the route to make an extra effort with displays to impress the judges.

Updated: 10:25 Tuesday, April 08, 2003