SUSTRANS, the sustainable transport charity, is looking for pupils (aged nine to 18) who are interested in nominating their school, teacher, school champion or local authority for a Safe Routes to Schools travel award.

All winners and their nominators will win a trip to the Championing Safe Routes to Schools: Citizenship in Action national conference being held in Leicester in September this year.

There are five categories for the awards: best safety improvements for pedestrians; best safety improvements for cyclists; best school champion; best school initiative; best local authority.

A free nomination pack can be obtained by sending an e-mail to or by phoning 0117 915 0100. Entry forms must be returned by May 16. Further information on the awards and the conference can be obtained through the website

Rhian Barnes,


Safe Routes to Schools,

King Street, Bristol.

Updated: 10:57 Wednesday, April 02, 2003