MORE than 100 children were sent home today after vandals smashed almost 30 windows at a York school.

Carr Infant School in Acomb was last night attacked for the second time in three days.

All pupils in the reception and Year 1 classes - 110 in all - were sent home after the attackers smashed 28 windows.

Judith Dixon, the mother of a Year 1 pupil who was sent home, was scathing about the vandals.

"I think they are all just scum," she said.

"They are doing these things just to cause trouble, and in doing them are taking away money that needed to be spent on education.

"I think it is just disgusting."

The incident affected the toilet and cloakroom facilities. The same area was attacked at the weekend, when 11 windows were smashed.

Head teacher Ann McKeown said: "We arrived on Monday morning to find the area in a terrible mess, and have been faced with even worse today.

"We got all the windows replaced, but now they have all been smashed.

"We are now just trying to face up to all the clearing-up - again."

The cloakroom facilities for nursery and Year 2 pupils were not affected, so they remained at the school, but there were no facilities for the reception and Year 1 pupils, who were sent home.

Staff at the school were today clearing up the damage and making the area safe.

Mrs McKeown is to contact the police and is viewing security camera footage to try to trace the culprits. She is hopeful the area will be safe for all pupils to return to school tomorrow, but was very angered by the attack.

She said: "I am very sure that this mindless vandalism has affected the education of many pupils in my school.

"I would like to thank the families of children who have been very helpful and understanding.

"If anyone can provide any information we would be very grateful to hear about it."

A police spokesman said: "The police are obviously disturbed that this amount of damage and disruption has been caused to the school.

"We will be doing everything we can to help with the situation."

Anyone with information is asked phone the school on 01904 798266.

Updated: 14:02 Wednesday, April 02, 2003