IT was disappointing to read Mr Lakey's letter about cyclists who appear to have slightly inconvenienced him and his wife (March 14).

As far as I am aware, the cyclists have a perfect right to use the road and are not obliged to use cycle paths.

It is the motorist whose use of the road is under license and this can be revoked if they drive in a way that endangers others.

I recently read that cyclists have proportionately more accidents on cycle paths than they do on the roads. From my own experience I believe this is because cycle facilities are often ill-conceived and inherently dangerous.

I cannot imagine using such facilities for time-trials,which I guess is what Mr and Mrs Lakey encountered.

Although I am a motorist as well as a cyclist and pedestrian, I believe car users should be more tolerant of other road users and not insist they give way to allow them unimpeded access at whatever speed they wish.

A R G Munro,

Middlethorpe Grove,



Updated: 10:45 Tuesday, April 01, 2003