A PROJECT committed to cutting the speed of cars on roads in East Yorkshire is set to go "live" tomorrow.

Up to 64 mobile speed enforcement cameras will soon be seen across Humberside when the area's Safety Camera Partnership gets under way.

Consisting of East Riding of Yorkshire Council along with authorities in Hull, North Lincolnshire and North East Lincolnshire, the partnership also includes Humberside Police, the Highways Agency and the Magistrates Courts Committee.

The aim of the partnership is to reduce road casualties, with groups estimating there will be 170 fewer casualties on the region's roads over the next two years.

It is hoped the project will bring home to motorists the effects of speeding and the need to make this behaviour socially unacceptable.

Over the next few weeks, road signs will be erected indicating where the cameras will be placed. East Yorkshire motorists will see cameras on the A1079 at Barmby Moor and Bishop Burton, on Alrmyn Road, in Goole and at Kingsgate, Quay Road and St John's Road, in Bridlington.

Updated: 10:38 Monday, March 31, 2003