FILM buffs will now be able to get the latest Hollywood gossip and cinema listings from a new website based in East Yorkshire.

Oak House, Pocklington's civic arts centre, has launched its own site, It includes information about the arts and tourism in Pocklington and Yorkshire, as well as links to national and international sites, including the Evening Press website,

The chairman of the Friends of Oak House, David Lander, said: "We are hoping the website will make Oak House in Pocklington famous to the whole world.

"You can get all sorts of information about film, theatre, music and tourism on the website. And we're really hoping it will get people to turn off the A1079 into Pocklington to pay us a visit."

The website was designed for the society free of charge by 20-year-old Richard Eborall, who works for Norman Computers in Barmby Road, Pocklington.

And those who don't have a computer at home can now surf the internet for free on a computer in the caf at Oak House.

The computer was given to the centre free of charge, along with a year's internet access, by BT.

Updated: 09:37 Wednesday, March 19, 2003