RESIDENTS in the Groves are the unfortunate meat in the sandwich, with the St John's campus on Lord Mayor's Walk, first year student accommodation at the Grange and many students living in properties peppered through the middle, residential area.

As of May's council elections, Monk ward ceases to exist and the Groves residential area will be in Guildhall - except that the Grange student accommodation will be in the new Clifton ward. So more than one ward's councillors will have an interest in the issue.

I am one of three council members who attend the local liaison committee, which also embraces college management and students, residents and police. The management and students' union have been serious in their effort to curtail anti social behaviour with the Shhh! campaign ("Drive to cut noise on street backfires", February 22).

There may be little more the college can do: its contract provides a sanction to send down students breaching its behaviour code. With 5000-plus students at the college, and the number who abuse the Shhh! campaign unknown, a small percentage could result in significant numbers upsetting residents.

Students need to understand that their three years here are just another three years for residents. Residents are present for the longer-term, so their voice is likely to be heard, understood and heeded.

Nobody wishes to endure anti-social behaviour. If the college cannot police its population effectively, there will be pressure for outside agencies to act. That could result in non-conforming students leaving the area with a criminal record: not a great start for someone looking to enter the job market.

Coun Nick Blitz,

Ogleforth, York.

Updated: 10:27 Thursday, March 06, 2003