TRADING standards officers in North Yorkshire have warned local people to beware of drinking a type of vodka which could cause serious illness.

They have spoken out about the dangers of drinking a brand called 'Imperial Valkanov Vodka', which contains dangerous levels of methanol.

The bottles are marked: Distributed for K.M.G.57, Bodana Kemelnitskogo Str 236039 Kalinginrad Russia for EEC.

The levels of methanol in the drink mean that when it is consumed it could cause serious harm, including abdominal pains, breathing difficulties and in some cases blindness.

Symptoms of methanol poisoning can be delayed for several hours and anyone who may have drunk any of this product should seek medical attention.

The latest warning has been issued following a safety alert by the Food Standards Agency, after this brand of vodka was found on sale in Manchester.

Stuart Pudney, head of trading standards in North Yorkshire, said: "Although none of this product has yet been found in North Yorkshire, we want to make sure that everyone is alert to the danger it poses.

"Anyone who sees it on sale, or who has a bottle, or indeed any information about it, should contact North Yorkshire County Council's trading standards service on 01609 780780. Under no circumstances should they drink any."

Colin Rumford, head of trading standards at City of York Council, said: "We are advising anyone who has drunk this vodka to seek medical advice immediately. Retailers who think they may have some of the contaminated vodka should withdraw the bottles from sale and contact the council's food and safety unit as a matter of urgency."

Updated: 09:41 Thursday, March 06, 2003