A YORK man has discovered to his own detriment that you have to be very careful what you joke about.

Robert Davison jokingly suggested to his girlfriend, Petra, and her family that he might get a body wax to try to raise money for a good cause.

The 21-year-old, from Tang Hall, not only underwent the body wax at a fundraising evening, he also went through, what no man should suffer - a bikini wax.

Robert says he has been left very sore after the waxing, but says it was worth it to raise £200 towards sending Petra's sister on an expedition to Morocco.

Siobhan Thomas, aged 13, from Archbishop Holgate's School, York, needs to raise £1,000 to go on the expedition.

Robert said: "It was quite painful, more painful than I thought it was going to be, but it was worth it with all the money raised."

Updated: 09:58 Tuesday, March 04, 2003