LEADERS of a York church are claiming a "miracle" after its congregation gave £95,000 in just one day.

Collection plates were overflowing with cash, cheques and pledges at St Michael-le-Belfrey's three annual Gift Day services on Sunday.

The money will go towards Christian projects and the refurbishment of church buildings.

"It's a miracle for a congregation to give that sort of sum away - I'm very encouraged," said the vicar, the Reverend Roger Simpson.

"It was all done through prayer.

"I've seen big amounts given in the past, but this is the most in one day.

"The collection plates were overflowing."

A tenth of the money collected will be split between the African Inland Mission, which provides resources for church pastors, a Christian charity helping the poor in Nepal and the York Youth Outreach project.

The cash will also help pay for £60,000 refurbishment work to two buildings next door to St Michael's, which the church hopes to use as an office and church centre.

Mr Simpson said they called the church to a six-hour prayer event prior to Sunday's services.

"It's given us a great sense of God's generosity," he said.

St Michael's, which adopts a charismatic style of worship at its services, employs 12 staff and has more than 700 members.

Updated: 11:45 Thursday, November 14, 2002