SEXISM is alive and thriving within the hallowed portal of Harrogate Conservative Club, a bastion of male privilege in the town since the 19th century.

But its days may be numbered - and so too the club's future - after a legal challenge to rules which insist women should be seen rather than heard was upheld.

Harrogate licensing justices refused to renew the club's registration certificate, which expires on December 14, after hearing how women can be merely associate members with no right to attend meetings and no vote.

Justices' chairman David Uffindall described the rules as iniquitous. ''This is not a gentlemen's club. We live in the 21st century,'' he said.

The decision, which effectively means the club will be unable to sell alcohol, came after an objection by one of the 366 full members, Anthony Sweeney, who said he found it incredible any club could still allow women to be discriminated against.

"'This is an old-established club, but it needs to determine its values and bring them up to the reputation is has within the Harrogate district. "

The court heard the club had 366 full members - all male paying £12 a year - and 99 associate members without voting rights on a subscription of £6.25.

Club secretary Francis Peters said two special general meetings (SGMs) had been called to try to push through a rule change to end the discrimination and join most other Conservative clubs nationwide. But each time the rule change

After the hearing Mr Peters said he would take the decision back to the committee which was likely to try again to persuade members to end their sexist stance.

Updated: 11:42 Thursday, November 14, 2002