Paul Acton (Letters, October 14) reckons roads are not for play.

I suppose this is correct, but it begs the question where is? Has anyone ever stopped to think where children can safely play these days? No, of course not. Whoever heard of consulting the young about the kind of community they want! Adults have made even the quietest of residential streets death traps for children. And adults' pre-occupation with the car is to blame.

Legions of people sound off regularly about the low standards of behaviour of young people. But young people inherit their anti-social skills from their anti-social parents and environment.

Children are virtual prisoners from the moment they enter the world. They are dumped in front of an electronic window and ignored, stuffed with low quality food, get little exercise and are then chastised for bad behaviour.

Children and young people will start to function sociably when adults start treating them with respect by giving them quality time, clean air to breathe. wholesome food to eat and space in which to play safely.

If we take the streets back from the car we may again have neighbourhoods where people talk and know each other. Graham Horne,

Beech Avenue,

Bishopthorpe, York.

Updated: 10:11 Wednesday, October 16, 2002