THE main attraction of the weekend is the Tower Trophy which will be fished on the Ouse below the City on Sunday.

The lack of rainfall during September sees the Ouse running low and clear, ideal conditions for a roach-dominated contest.

Last weekend's Hospitals Cup did demonstrate that if the tightly shoaled bream can be located a few may be tempted to feed. However, I suspect that they will be hard to find come the weekend.

Deeper pegs seem to hold the key at the moment and with this in mind favoured areas are likely to be the pumper at Fulford, Middlethorpe bend and the Palace Ings.

Mick Potter advised me that he and his father, Dave, tackled the Poppleton stretch on Wednesday and found some quality roach on slider and caster. The length is free from competition this weekend and is worthy of the pleasure anglers attention.

Amalgamation news centres on the stillwater circuit this week with the long-awaited Laybourne Lakes top of the agenda.

An application for a borehole to augment the failing water levels has been submitted so at least things are progressing. Many have asked why the 'old' lake cannot be fished while the new venture fills with first water and then, presumably, fish.

The amalgamation committee recently voted on this issue and by a verdict of nine to four the whole fishery will remain closed.

The usual problems of litter and night fishing have come to the fore at Rawcliffe Lake.

The amalgamation have enlisted the help of a team of junior litter pickers who patrol the banks on a weekly basis. A great idea not only to remove much of the non-angling debris that accumulates so rapidly but it is also a superb public relations exercis.

Night fishing is strictly prohibited and I suspect the perpetrators, if apprehended, would not be in possession of the necessary amalgamation permit.

At Sand Hutton gravel pits, problems have been encountered with anglers parking vehicles in the field adjacent to the lake. The only parking here is in the road-side lay-by and anglers visiting this scenic fishery are asked to respect this.

Weekend Bookings

Saturday: Beningbrough Park - Buster, Fulford - Local, East Cottingwith - New Bridge WMC

Sunday: Park View - Cygnet, Beningbrough Park - Huntington, Below York - Tower Trophy, Acaster - Pudsey, Tadcaster - White Rose, Kirkham - Tang Hall WMC, Howsham Hall - Burton Stone

Updated: 11:02 Friday, October 11, 2002