PLANS for a £65,000 project to boost rugby league, athletics and other sports in York are to be discussed by City of York Council's Executive next Friday.

The Executive is being asked to consider proposals that will provide help to sports clubs and find new ways of improving sports facilities.

The plan comes hard on the heels of the plans announced for the new York City Knights RL Club and the council's pledge to promote development of the game at grass roots level.

The council is planning to work with York's amateur RL clubs in a three-year development plan aimed at raising standards or play and coaching and getting more youngsters involved in the sport.

The council are also to look at improving facilities at Huntington Stadium - which would be of great benefit to Nestle Rowntree Athletics Club and making better use of school facilities.

Coun Alan Jones, the council's executive member for leisure and heritage said: "The aim is to get more opportunities available for people to participate. There is some great work going on out there, largely through the efforts of volunteers but to some extent they are being held back by lack of resources and poor facilities."

Updated: 10:53 Friday, September 27, 2002