THE family of a man badly injured in a vicious assault today backed the police appeal for help in catching his brutal attacker.

The 23-year-old victim, from Selby, was today undergoing major surgery at York District Hospital - but his family fear the mental scars will last forever.

The victim, who does not wish to be identified for fear of reprisals, suffered a badly-broken cheekbone, concussion, double vision and has lost all feeling in his upper jaw.

The injuries were caused by one punch as the attacker ran at the man, in Selby Market Place, before riding off on a red bicycle.

Distraught mother Dianna Jones, who lives in a village near Selby, said it was vital her son's assailant was caught as quickly as possible before he could strike again.

She said: "The mental trauma could have scarred him for life. These thugs don't realise the long-term effects, which are more worrying than the physical injuries.

"He will probably never go out drinking in Selby again and will be constantly looking over his shoulder.

"My son is the kindest and most easy-going person I know, but an incident like this can change a person forever.

"We aren't out for revenge, but we do want justice."

Mrs Jones said that only two months ago her son, a warehouse manager, and his 24-year-old wife had been celebrating the birth of their first child, a boy.

Now, through "ten seconds of sheer madness", he would have to stay off work until further notice and was scared to pick up his son for fear of aggravating his injuries. She said that her son was standing innocently with friends, in the Market Place, at about 11pm last Thursday when he was punched to the floor.

"I would like to thank the police for their understanding and kindness and, more importantly, a young man and his girlfriend who were standing nearby," said Mrs Jones.

"Their timely intervention probably saved my son from even worse injuries. It's nice to know that not everybody passes on the other side."

The victim's wife said that doctors had warned them his sight could be compromised because a nerve that had been damaged ran to the right eye.

She said her husband, who was "as quiet as a mouse", had never seen his attacker before.

She added: "He's obviously down, but we're keeping our fingers crossed that his sight won't be affected."

The attacker is described as lanky, about 6ft 2in, in his mid to late 20s, and was wearing grey Adidas trainers.

Anyone with information should contact Selby police on 01757 702596.

Updated: 14:49 Thursday, September 26, 2002