DEREK Charlton (Letters, September 12), is right to state that we were deceived when we were asked to join the Common Market.

Ted Heath was the original culprit, but successive governments are also culpable. President Blair will take us further into this morass from which there will be no escape if we accept the Euro/Single Currency.

Hopefully, the electorate is beginning to get wise to Blair and the Euro-enthusiasts and recent opinion polls show a majority of the population who wish to retain the pound. An ICM poll for Business For Sterling in the North of England showed chief executives oppose British membership of the Single Currency by 64 to 34 per cent.

It is imperative for Britain's future prosperity that we retain our own currency and the vital control over our own interest rates.

Central control of the currency/economy and essential services cannot be allowed to be handed over to unelected bureaucrats and failed politicians (eg Kinnock, Patten, Santer, Cresson etc) with their aim of creating a single police force, armed forces and central bank.

The deceit is continued by New Labour with wholehearted support from the Lib-Dems and half-hearted response from the Conservatives.

Our politicians are not to be trusted and it is essential we support organisations such as the Democracy Movement, UKIP and the Campaign For An Independent Britain who between them are campaigning to keep the pound.

Lose the pound and we lose our independence and sovereignty.

David W. Wright,

Little Lane,



Updated: 10:25 Wednesday, September 25, 2002