COUNCIL staff have pledged this abandoned car will be moved from outside York District Hospital by the end of today.

The wrecked Fiat Panda has been dumped at the pelican crossing in Wigginton Road, opposite the hospital, for eight days.

Concerned residents had feared children or pedestrians would be injured on the car's twisted metal or broken glass scattered near it.

David Badrick, of Haxby, said: "When I passed it kids were playing near it, there is broken glass all over the place and they could easily be cut by it.

"It is causing an obstruction as well at a busy road crossing near the hospital," said Mr Badrick, of Abelton Grove.

A spokeswoman for City of York Council said abandoned cars must be left where they are for seven days to give their owners a chance to claim them.

She said: "The seven days were up yesterday and a contractor was supposed to move the vehicle. We don't know why it wasn't moved, we are speaking to the contractors now and the vehicle will certainly be moved by the end of the day."

Updated: 12:09 Wednesday, September 25, 2002