FINDING the net is the aim of most football sides, but it has taken on a more literal meaning for one Sunday team from York.

Acomb-based CB United, who play in the York Sunday Afternoon League division two, have had three sets of goal-nets stolen in three years from three different locations.

The first two disappeared from places in Acomb and the third set were stolen overnight from a garden shed in Alcuin Avenue, Tang Hall.

Sid Smith - the self-styled player-manager-secretary-treasurer-pitch-marker-kit-washer-financier of the club - said: "They were nicked out of my shed.

"The funny thing is I had match balls, flag poles and a medical kit in there, but they only took the nets.

"We've had a few things nicked from the club before. I think someone's targeting us, but we just don't know who is doing it."

The club is already hard-up financially, so having to shell out for more nets won't help the cause.

Smith, who runs the club along with Doug Taylor and Rich Baker, added: "We want our nets back or if anybody's got any spare nets to help us out we would be very grateful.

"We're trying to raise money for the club, not spend money.

"Our bank account is not healthy, so much so that I've been picking pennies up off the street to put towards club funds."

CB United have had little luck on the pitch this season either, having followed their opening day 8-1 defeat with a 4-0 loss in their last league game.

The good news is that the club have had little trouble fielding full sides this term, a problem they've faced in the last two seasons.

"This season we've got a nice little set-up with new lads coming on board. Let's hope they stay with us when the bad weather starts," he added.

United are now keen to break with tradition and acquire a sponsor for the first time in their 18-year history. Anyone interested, or anyone with any information regarding nets, can contact Smith on 01904 411995 or Baker on 01904 345995.

Updated: 12:01 Wednesday, September 25, 2002