FAME is creeping closer for York's teenage pop star Stacey Ace, as she is busy recording her first single and already has an incredible 2,000 members signed up to her fan club.

Stacey, 14, has signed a three CD deal with Bedfordshire-based production company Schmusicmusic and is currently working on her first single, All In The Moves.

Schmusicmusic boss Charles Fosskett, who has worked with artists such as Sir Paul McCartney, is producting the single, while Rudi Riviere, who recently toured with Latin pop princess Shakira, plays guitar on it.

Stacey's mum, Jacquie, said it was a catchy, rocky pop song with the message "be yourself."

Jacquie, of Clifton Moor, said: "It is nearly finished now, we hope to be able to sell it over the Internet and through Stacey's fan club soon, and definitely in time for Christmas.

"It is about Stacey being Stacey, about not being pressured to do anything, by bullies, by people offering drugs, by anyone.

"Stacey has suffered through bullying and she was offered drugs when she was just 11, so she is singing from experience."

Meanwhile, Stacey, whose real surname is Anderson, has seen her fan club take off massively and the 2,000 members include some from Australia.

Jacquie, of Boltby Road, said: "It is unbelievable. We handed out membership forms at live performances in Scotland, Manchester and London, but didn't think it would take off so much so quickly.

"I think a lot of it has been through word of mouth, but we really have been blown away by it, the numbers are building daily."

Stacey was originally inspired to sing by her cousin Sandi McCash's success in smash ITV series Pop Idol.

Before then, her life had been badly affected by behavioural problems caused by Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

Anyone who would like an application form to join Stacey's fan club can phone Jacquie on 07748203457.

Updated: 08:21 Tuesday, September 24, 2002