THE Football League today insisted they will not ban York City from using taped roars and chants to cheer on their team.

As revealed in the Evening Press last week, City chairman John Batchelor has come up with the idea to boost the atmosphere at Bootham Crescent.

Reports elsewhere have claimed the League are planning to ban the practice but spokesman John Nagle said that was not the case.

He said: "It is not something we are particularly keen-on.

"When clubs in the past have asked if they could do it - York are not the first - we have advised them to find other ways of boosting the atmosphere.

"But it is not really an issue we want to get involved in and it is a matter for the club and not really a matter for the League.

"We will monitor the situation but it will not be a problem as long as it is used in an even-handed manner.

"For example, we wouldn't want the volume turned up when a York player goes down in the box.

"However, unless we get complaints from other clubs or referees it is not something we intend to take any action over."

Updated: 14:59 Tuesday, September 24, 2002