I RECENTLY visited York and am writing to express my gratitude to two women, Marie Freemamie and Helen Salmon, who found my wallet and returned it to me.

I was only in York for one day as part of a larger tour of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales. York was one of our first stops and I absolutely panicked when I realised that I had lost my wallet there.

My tour group left very early the following morning and I was not able to go back to any of the places I had been. I filed a report with the York police, but assumed the wallet was gone.

It turns out that I left my wallet at Walmgate Bar and Marie, who was working there at the time, found it. She passed it on to Helen, the Secretary of the Calvary Chapel, who reported it to the York police. I now have my wallet back, cash, credit cards and all.

York is a beautiful city, and although I was there for only one day, I believe that the people who live there are generally wonderful as well.

Although we all like to think the best of people, who knows how often lost wallets are actually returned to their owners? In this instance at least, two people did exactly the right thing. I look forward to returning to York, and to the Walmgate Bar specifically, in the future.

Anna Katselas

314 West 10th Street,

Erie, Pennsylvania 16502


Updated: 08:58 Saturday, September 21, 2002