A BABY born 16 weeks prematurely and given only a slim chance of survival was going home today.

Proud parents Graham and Andrea Wrightson, from Wilberfoss, near York, have endured an agonising wait to see if baby Lydia would pull through.

Lydia weighed only 1lb 12oz when she was born at York District Hospital in May, and spent 105 days in intensive care.

She was blinded in one eye after contracting a rare infection during her recovery and also suffered chronic lung problems because of prolonged periods spent on a ventilator.

Doctors, who told Graham and Andrea to expect the worse, gave Lydia the all-clear to go home today.

"She now weighs 6lb 9oz. She's a little fighter," said Graham, who works at Norwich Union, in York.

"Our doctors said it was amazing she survived. We were told initially it was likely to be a stillbirth, which was devastating.

"It was a traumatic time, but we just willed her on and prayed for her every day."

Lydia was transferred from York District Hospital to a special intensive care unit in Middlesbrough and underwent heart surgery at Freemans Hospital in Newcastle.

"We haven't properly celebrated her birth yet because everything has been in the balance," said Graham.

"The health service has been brilliant - we can't thank them enough. Lydia has a few battle scars, but at least she is alive."

The couple,who have a seven-year-old son, Elliot, would like to thank the many well-wishers who have sent messages of support.

Updated: 09:38 Saturday, September 21, 2002