CREATIVE and crafty ideas for cracking crime can win you prizes.

Safer York Partnership, the city's crime-busting organisation, has launched it's own crime prevention campaign, during National Crime Prevention Week.

Director Jane Mowat said: "National Crime Prevention Week can make a difference only if the people in our cities, towns and communities make their own contribution.

"Wherever crime rears, cracking it is a shared responsibility. North Yorkshire Police and Safer York Partnership cannot do it alone - we need your support and action if we are to make a real impact."

With darker nights coming, and Christmas not far away, Safer York Partnership would like your Christmas gifts to reach their intended recipient rather than be in the hands of a thief, and for your home and property to remain secure. We need your ideas.

Crime affects communities in different ways - vehicle crime and burglary are higher in some areas, whilst other neighbourhoods may be more affected by anti-social behaviour. Rural communities often have different problems requiring different solutions.

Safer York Partnership want to know what crime problem concerns you in your neighbourhood, and what you would do if you had the resources.

There is a £50 B&Q voucher for the winner, and £20 B&Q vouchers to three runners-up.

There is also something for young people. Can you design an eye catching A4 poster with a crime prevention catchphrase? If you are 16 or under, you could be the winner of a CD/book token to the value of £20.

Send your entries to: Crime Campaign, Safer York Partnership, Mill House, North Street, York YO1 9YX. Be sure to give your name, address, postcode, and telephone number. All entries must be received by Friday, October 4.

The judges' decision is final.

Updated: 10:14 Saturday, September 21, 2002