A FEAST for 700 people launched a series of courses intended to introduce thousands to Christianity.

The Alpha Banquet served up a three-course meal to a huge congregation at York Minster.

The feast was laid on as 30 churches in York started running the Alpha Course, a series of ten weekly meetings which discusses themes central to Christianity and religion.

The logistics of feeding so many were organised by chefs and operation managers from the army, working from a field kitchen set up in the Minster yard.

Course spokesman Christian Selveratnam said: "We had a three-course meal which had roast pork as the main course, everything went according to plan and everybody had a great night.

"Organisers believe there has never been such an event held in the Minster during its 700 years."The food was contributed by local restaurants and organisations.

Updated: 08:54 Friday, September 20, 2002