THE tenth anniversary of the Nestl UK Employee Volunteer Awards has again seen thousands of pounds donated to good causes in York.

Four times a year Nestl employees who are involved with local community-based activities are invited to apply to the company for an award.

This year £5,200 has been donated to 11 York employees, bringing the total cash awarded nationally over ten years to £505,000.

Of that total, £124,000 has gone to 225 good causes in the York area.

This year they included an award of £400 to York chocolate supply chain worker Kevin Marsh, who works with Elvington Scouts.

The cash will be used to renovate the Scout building, also used by Cubs, Brownies, Guides and Venture Scouts.

Strensall Junior Football Club can look forward to a new set of PVC goalposts, thanks to a grant secured by electrician Philip Waite.

York Blind and Partially Sighted Society has won an award to help provide information and support for society members, through finance worker Helen McGovern.

Peter Anderson, Nestl's community relations manager, said "The latest set of awards have been made. We are delighted to once again have been able to help local good causes via our colleagues. They give their personal time and energy so generously to help in the community, we are very glad to give them a helping hand."

Mr Anderson said the award system is one in which "everyone wins".

He added: "As a company we get something like 15,000 requests a year for charitable support. Because this is in the locality we are helping people and groups right in the centre of the community.

"Our employees are ambassadors, people generally tend to know they work for Nestl, so if we can help them to help their causes, then it is good news all round."

Updated: 11:39 Friday, September 20, 2002