The news that Saddam Hussein has decided to allow UN weapons inspectors back into his country unconditionally must be welcome.

I have received requests from constituents wanting to know my views on the possibility of military action against Iraq and there is no doubt about people's concern about the situation.

As matters stand, and even more so in the view of the recent announcement, I oppose military action.

Firstly, there is no evidence linking Saddam Hussein's regime (however despotic and awful it may be) to the events of September 11 last year.

Secondly, an attack on Iraq will undoubtedly destabilise the Middle East and make the world less safe.

The use of military force on behalf of its citizens must be a last resort of a government - to be used only after all other efforts have been exhausted and there is no other possible option.

In today's world such force should only be employed with a full international mandate.

While we wait now for the result of the UN deliberations on the latest developments we should also note that the majority of public opinion across the European Union, including the UK, is opposed to unilateral military action against Iraq.

I urge people concerned about military action to write to their MP's before next Tuesday's debate in the House of Commons - a debate which will now, hopefully, prove unnecessary.

Diana Wallis MEP,

Land of Green Ginger,


Updated: 10:38 Thursday, September 19, 2002