OPPONENTS of America's Son of Star Wars plans and possible attacks on Iraq are being urged to plan civil disobedience.

Organisers of the Campaign for the Accountability of American Bases (CAAB) are urging supporters to carry out non-violent action.

The group was formed following proposals for the Son of Star Wars project, which would be designed to trace missiles attacking the U.S. and shoot them from the skies.

It could have North Yorkshire bases at Menwith Hill and Fylingdales as central components, creating fears that North Yorkshire could become a military target. A demonstration against it is being planned outside the Menwith Hill base for Saturday, October 12, with speakers including Yorkshire and Humber MEP Diana Wallace.

A campaign spokeswoman said: "CAAB will be encouraging anyone who opposes the role of Menwith Hill in the Star Wars programme and the U.S. war on Iraq to think of non-violent actions and civil disobedience on this and other days."

Updated: 11:53 Thursday, September 19, 2002