York City Supporters' Trust is right to be concerned about the wall of silence surrounding the sale and redevelopment of Bootham Crescent.

City of York's planners should also be concerned. Earlier this year, more than 2,000 people signed a petition calling on the council to ensure planning permission is not granted for Bootham Crescent until, and unless, York City FC had a new home to go to.

This is in accordance with the council's declared policy for dealing with applications for a change of use for leisure facilities.

All the parties now sheltering behind so-called "confidentiality clauses" stand to make a lot of money from the demolition and redevelopment of Bootham Crescent. If somebody makes a big profit, somebody else must be sustaining a great loss.

The city and people of York could still lose their football club.

Planners must put us and our club before the profits of Persimmon, the owners of Bootham Crescent Holdings plc, or anyone else trying to get their nose in the trough.

Frank Ormston,

Waverley Street, York.

Updated: 10:34 Wednesday, September 18, 2002