I CANNOT believe the way the Evening Press has reported on the bail hostel ('Hostel anger', September 7).

The headline and article were not designed to inform but to sell newspapers and jump on the bandwagon created by the horrific deaths of Holly and Jessica.

I have to wonder about the authenticity of some of the local residents quoted - what reprisals are they scared of? They are not supporting the bail hostel.

The sad fact is that local residents are invited on a regular basis to attend communication meetings but, in the main, these are met with apathy.

It seems the Probation Service is trying to keep residents informed but as usual "we" cannot be bothered to make the effort - I include myself in this.

No doubt the Evening Press will whip local people into a frenzy about this matter by putting out scare stories.

I would not be surprised if within the next week the bail hostel (which does vital work with offenders) is under siege by a lynch mob.

As a parent I am as concerned as anybody about paedophiles in society. I do not claim to have the answer, but I do know we must not close our eyes to the problem and hope the authorities will it elsewhere.

John Charles,

Poppleton Road,


Updated: 10:36 Tuesday, September 10, 2002