THE IMPORTANCE of York youngsters having open space to play on was highlighted when the chairman of the National Playing Fields Associations visited the city as part of a two-day tour.

Alison Moore-Gwyn visited Dodsworth Avenue playing fields, one of almost 400 in the country which is a memorial to King George V. The land is maintained by the City of York Council and Alison met the council's parks and open spaces officer Brian Williams.

The visit was part of a tour throughout Yorkshire and Lincolnshire of land the National Playing Fields Associations either owns or protects.

Alison said: "Some of these fields could have been at risk if they had not been so diligently protected, and future generations will see the benefit.

"Some of these fields are a memorial to King George V and all are protected by charity law, so the people who use them can be confident they will be available for years to come. At a time when rising land prices increase the temptation to sell off open spaces, this is extremely important in a county like Yorkshire."

Updated: 11:51 Tuesday, September 10, 2002