WAYS to bring new life to York's rivers will be investigated in an effort to boost user numbers.

City of York Council members will look at how to improve the Foss and the Ouse.

A rivers manager could be appointed with the job of making the rivers more attractive.

Dave Meigh, the council's head of parks and open spaces, said: "At the moment, many of the riverbanks are unattractive, riverside tow paths and revetments appear to be in a poor condition and there are very limited water and sewerage facilities for passing boats.

"Information for tourists and users is sporadic and uncoordinated but, despite this, the river is an important feature of York that is used by hundreds of people every day."

The council has already agreed to spend money on improvements to areas of the riverbank at the Museum Gardens, Esplanade, Castle Lock Mills and the river Foss towpath off Huntington Road. But improvements in other areas would require significant amounts of cash.

Coun Mick Bradley, York Liberal Democrat's spokesman for leisure, has suggested a council scrutiny group is formed to look at what can be done in detail.

His proposal will be considered by other council members on Thursday.

Mr Meigh said: "It has been suggested that an events programme could be organised to encourage visitors to the riverbanks. Other cities, such as Bedford, already have such programmes.

"For example, the Viking Festival, Food and Drink Festival, Residents First Weekend, angling events and Colourscape on the Water could all be built into a river-focused programme of events.

"Added to this, new events could be put on such as a narrow boat gathering, dragon boat racing and raft races."

Plans for a series of sculptures, which were abandoned by the York Millennium Bridge Trust, which set up a riverside walkway, could be looked at again.

The Evening Press has launched River Rescue, a project designed to encourage people to come up with ideas to help riverside areas in York and North Yorkshire. Run in conjunction with Yorkshire Water, the project offers £400 to help the best ideas. For more details, phone Nick Hallissey on 01904 653051, extension 315.

Updated: 12:07 Tuesday, September 10, 2002