YORK City chairman John Batchelor has revealed the club intends to sue the Football League over its handling of the contract negotiations with doomed ITV Digital.

Batchelor said: "Being a member of the Football League, we were asked to hand over our negotiations of media contracts to them.

"They were negligent in their negotiations with ITV Digital and as a result we have lost out on £204,666."

Batchelor said City were acting alone but did not rule out other clubs following their lead.

A letter was being sent to the Football League asking for City to be reimbursed for the 'lost' money.

"If it is not forthcoming we will take them to court," said Batchelor.

Earlier this month, the High Court ruled the Football League could not claim compensation from Carlton and Granada, the owners of ITV Digital, after the closure of its sports channel.

Many clubs have complained at the manner in which the contract with ITV Digital was signed.

The High Court ruled that the League could not recover £178million it was owed because there were no guarantees of payment form its owners.

Updated: 12:11 Friday, August 30, 2002