MY husband and I took our youngest grandson to the Homestead at Clifton, York, on a beautiful morning.

Our joy was not just to be with Elliot and see him and other children having fun in such a lovely place, but to see a group of young people with SNAPPY T-shirts on, caring in such a fun and loving way for disabled and handicapped teenagers. The delight on both the carers' and their charges' faces was a joy to behold.

I meet lots of young people and students from my church (York Community Church) who are willing to give up summer holidays or take a year out to work with less fortunate people in developing countries. There are lots of special young folk around who never make the headlines or cause trouble for other people.

D M Watson,

Elmpark Way,

Stockton Lane, York.

Updated: 10:38 Saturday, August 24, 2002