A YORK woman is claiming she was left in pain after staff at York District Hospital (YDH) lost vital information about medical needs during a recent stay.

Cheryl Smith, 21, from Garrowby Way, suffers from a rare condition called reflex sympathetic distrophy, which means she has to take a number of painkillers daily.

But she claims staff at the hospital took off her talisman bracelet which contains vital information about her painkillers and allergies.

She said the bracelet was later lost and staff were unable to establish what medications she needed, leaving her in pain.

Cheryl said: "I was left in pain for a long time because of this and nobody apologised for the inconvenience."

She said she would have dismissed the complaint, believing staff were overworked and underpaid, but said she often encountered staff who were considerate and tactful, and helped patients.

She said: "I have found many of the staff at YDH to be very kind and helpful, and despite my bad experiences, believe these to be the majority.

"It is a shame that the actions of a few have to tarnish the reputation of the many, but it is impossible to ignore such grossly unacceptable behaviour.

"Many of us in York rely on YDH for our care, as it is our only hospital with accident and emergency facilities.

"Many of us can recall our positive experiences of the hospital, but those who have been mistreated should be asking some very serious questions."

A spokeswoman for YDH said: "We have received a complaint from Miss Smith and will be looking into the issues raised.

"We are sorry that she has had cause for concern and will be addressing all the issues raised in the letter fully.

"A letter will be going out to her to say that we are looking into the allegations."

Updated: 09:58 Saturday, August 24, 2002