YOUR article about the Copmanthorpe underpass ("Safety fears over 'too narrow' underpass", August 20) reports the road width is six metres.

By simple calculation add two buses widths at about 2.5 metres wide and one metre for clearance when passing, gives six metres. But the buses require clearance from the kerb, at least 0.5 metres should be provided, giving 7 metres. In addition the road may not be in a 30mph zone, is not approached from a straight direction, is subject to cyclists using the road, especially if the cycle track is covered in snow during winter and on the northern side the braking distances will be higher than normal due to the downhill slope.

Considering all circumstances, about eight metres wide would be about the right width in my estimation.

Colin Clarke

The Crescent

Stamford Bridge


Updated: 10:46 Friday, August 23, 2002