WE were interested to read the article "More post offices face axe" (August 16). It is not news that 3,000 urban post offices are to close - that was announced months ago - but we do find scaremongering by the Liberal Democrats about how many of those closures will be in York, how many in Harrogate and so on to be premature and publicity-seeking.

No one yet knows which offices will close. Those of us involved in the urban sector have had letters from Post Office Ltd, asking us for our preferences and we have all responded, but as far as we are aware, no decisions have been taken and the terms of any cash package are still under discussion.

The future does look uncertain for some offices, but speculation by the Liberal Democrats is not helping us at all - we are doing our best to be positive.

For sub-postmasters/mistresses it remains business as usual - we have all invested very heavily in our businesses and we are committed to giving our customers the caring and efficient service they have come to expect from local post offices, but we do need everyone's continued support during these difficult and changing times.

Christine and Duncan Waddington,

Bright Street Post Office,


Updated: 10:48 Friday, August 23, 2002