WHAT do I think of chief executive David Atkinson and three quarters of York Council?

They all should go!

They have no feeling for the city - a historic city first and foremost.

Most of the generated income is from tourism which has not been got at by planners.

We have three out-of-town shopping complexes; Monks Cross, Clifton Moor and the Designer Centre. Please leave the York city alone.

Remember the old saying partnerships are sinking ships, so the strategy partnership, along with all its stupid ideas, should be thrown into the river.

In 20 years time Westgate will be a high rise eyesore and who will be to blame? Do we really want to go the way of Manchester, Leeds and Sheffield?

Look at them today. No thank you.

Joyce Lightowler,

Melton Avenue,


Updated: 11:20 Friday, August 02, 2002