IS it Yorkshire Day on Thursday? 'Appen so, veterinary. Theakston Brewery in Masham is marking the day with some special activities at its visitor centre.

Those who take the tour on Thursday will not only meet the people involved in the creation of Theakston ales and learn about some of the history behind them, they will also be given the opportunity to make their own beer barrel under the careful tuition of the Theakston cooper.

Visitors who take part in 'barrel raising' will be asked to donate no less than £1 for the privilege - all monies collected will go to a local charity.

WELL done Margaret Chicken, of Market Weighton. She has come up with a unique name for the latest York Brewery pub, the former Queen on Lawrence Street. In established tradition, the name is on the grisly theme of executions, and will be called The Rook And Gaskill Inn.

This immortalises two unfortunate felons, Peter Rook and Leonard Gaskill, who were hanged on May 1, 1676. Their crime - stealing 13 sheep from John Brown of Driffield.

They were the last criminals to be executed on the gallows of St Leonard's, Green Dykes, without Walmgate Bar, just up the road from the pub.

According to the Criminal Chronology Of York Castle, published in 1867, the gallows were removed on June 3 1700, "the grand jury having petitioned the judges at the Lent March Assizes for its removal".

York Brewery boss Tony Thomson is hopeful that the pub will host a private evening for VIPs and brewery club members on Monday August 5, before opening to the public the next day.

Congrats, meanwhile, to the brewery's Last Drop Inn - CAMRA's Town Pub of the Season.

THE Assize of Ale, on Saturday, August 10, will include two runs round the city with a drink in every pub on the list. Sounds like a challenge to Bar Talk...

Both start from the Mansion House at 2pm, and end in Thomas's at 5.30pm, and the choices are:

Route A: 2.30pm Brigadier Gerard, 3pm Tap & Spile, 3.30pm Golden Slipper, 4pm The Last Drop Inn, 4.30pm The Golden Lion and 5pm The Punch Bowl, Stonegate.

Route B: 2.30pm The Golden Ball, 3pm The Golden Fleece, 3.30pm Blue Bell, 4pm The Three Legged Mare, 4.30pm The Hole in the Wall and 5pm Lendal Cellars.

Done on behalf of the sovereign and dating back to the middle ages, the Sheriff has the power to punish any sergeant failing to answer the summons, with fines or the pillory. The fines and other money raised goes to charity, decided on by the Lord Mayor and the Guild of Scriveners.

Although it is principally a fun day to raise funds for charity, the thought of seeing some of York's licensees in the pillory (similar to stocks but you stand up in them) amuses Bar Talk. Maybe York Dungeon could oblige with a set?

Anybody wishing to join the assize should meet outside the Mansion House at 2pm. Further info from Maureen Singleton on

THERE'S plenty to do at the Three Tuns, Coppergate, York, other than drink the fine Mansfield and Pedigree, of course. Landlady Jenni Wilson has arranged a cornucopia of entertainment.

Monday night is music night. Look out for the general knowledge quiz on Tuesdays; and on Thursdays pit your wits in the Fun Fortunes game, based on Family Fortunes off the telly. The prize? Beer. Fantastic.

THE Appletree Country Inn, Marton, is celebrating after being named CAMRA's Country Pub of the Season.

Clutching her gong, landlady Melanie Thornton said she was delighted to receive the award, which comes 18 months after she took over the pub.

She said a strong group of regulars, as well as visitors who come from across North Yorkshire to sample the pub's top-quality food, have been keeping her on her toes.

John Smiths Cask is on permanently, joined by three guest ales.

Drinkers old and new are invited to a celebration garden party in August, where a jazz band will play, a summer buffet will be on offer and Melanie promises lots of tasty-but-deadly Pimms.

Updated: 08:45 Saturday, July 27, 2002