I AM writing with reference to the article about the discovery of an unexploded bomb in the garden of a house in Fountayne Street (July 11).

The last major Zeppelin raid on York took place in the spring of 1917 and covered the area north east of the city.

I remember seeing the ship hovering over the Cocoa Works area towards the end of the raid, then dropping its last bombs, one of which fell on the last house in Fountayne Street/Wigginton Road; the house of Miss Montigu-Leake.

Her life was saved by the timely arrival of a neighbour, who escorted her to her own house, just in time, before the bomb fell.

To this day, the difference in height of the house which is now there indicates where this was.

The shell referred to could well have been the last discarded as the Zeppelin returned to Germany.

Although only six years old at the time, it left a vivid impression in my mind.

Harry Prince,

Chantry Green,

Upper Poppleton,


Updated: 11:41 Saturday, July 27, 2002