YORK City chairman John Batchelor was today invited to meet a leading councillor to discuss the club's proposed move to Clifton Moor.

Mr Batchelor announced yesterday that he wanted the club's new home to be built on land close to Ikon & Diva nightclubs.

He attacked city planners, claiming they said the club would need to finance dualling the nearby York Outer Ring Road to deal with extra traffic.

City of York councillor Tracey Simpson-Laing, executive spokeswoman for transport, today urged him to contact her.

She said: "If John does want to come and talk to me, I am perfectly willing to listen to him and discuss his plans, and I am sure all of my colleagues would be equally as willing."

Mr Batchelor said he had been barred from speaking directly to councillors. But Coun Simpson-Laing said: "As far as I am aware, he is free to approach us and I am certainly very happy to talk to him.

"There are issues around this site, including how it fits into the city's transport plan and the green belt, but I am very happy to talk with John about them."

Concern about traffic congestion caused by any move to Clifton Moor has also been voiced by North Yorkshire Police.

Locally-based PC Colin Brown said: "I think the majority of officers do think a new ground would be better placed outside of the city centre, but of course there would be several issues to look at, which include the impact on local residents and on local roads.

"This move could create problems on the A1237 and on Wigginton Road, and I don't know what Mr Batchelor has in mind to deal with these traffic problems."

Lorna Marchie, who runs the York Riding School in Wigginton Road, has previously highlighted traffic problems on the York Outer Ring Road.

She said today: "Until we know what is planned for the road we can't form any view, but we are not particularly negative towards the plans. If the road is dualled, that could possibly make the situation better."

Updated: 10:37 Saturday, July 27, 2002