A VANDAL-HIT evening bus service which suffered countless attacks before being scrapped more than a year ago is to be restored to a troubled York estate.

Bus operators First took the decision to reinstate the Number 1 service to Chapelfields on evenings and Sundays from September 2, after pressure from councillors and residents.

It was previously removed over fears for driver safety following a string of violent attacks.

Bricks and bottles were thrown through bus windows on the estate and youths also held a rope in front of a vehicle to damage it. But First is now prepared to wipe the slate clean and buses will once again turn right from Ridgeway and travel along Bramham Avenue, Bramham Road and Barkston Avenue.

The company also revealed a new bus terminus will be established at Bramham Road - the scene of many serious vandal attacks.

First commercial manager Peter Edwards warned that any repeat of the violence would see the service removed.

"This is very much an act of faith," he said.

"We realise it's not necessarily fair to penalise residents over the actions of a minority. If the attacks continued we would be forced to remove the service again. We're not prepared to put drivers or our customers at risk.

"We recognise our job is to provide a good service."

Ward councillor Tracey Simpson-Laing lobbied First for months on residents' behalf to get the service restored.

She told the Evening Press: "I'm delighted. Many elderly residents have been greatly disadvantaged by not having a Sunday or evening bus service. Let us hope the attacks do not start again."

Mr Edwards will explain the new bus route at a ward committee meeting on Tuesday in St Aidan's Church, at 7pm.

lThe Evening Press recently revealed a £1.2m project to demolish a vandal-struck block of flats at Sanderson House in Bramham Road, and replace it with affordable family homes.

Plans are also being drawn up to revamp the community centre site opposite and build a new shop and more houses.

Updated: 11:55 Friday, July 26, 2002